Subsidized Work Experience (WEX) at County Board of Supervisors (BOS)
2013 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Personnel Management, Employment and Training (Best in Category)
Year: 2013
The County of San Bernardino Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) partnered with the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide subsidized Work Experience (WEX) Transitional Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients the opportunity to meet federal Work Participation Rates (WPR) and attain unsubsidized employment to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Participants worked in local BOS offices and were paid through Welfare-to-Work (WTW) subsidized employment. WEX customers received the opportunity for valuable work experience, development of administrative skills and knowledge of local government operation, and the building of self-confidence and self-esteem, which can lead to subsequent unsubsidized full-time employment. The program also provides an opportunity for local elected officials to work with and get to know the constituents served by local government assistance programs. The Subsidized WEX at County BOS opportunity in 2012 resulted in 80% of participants obtaining unsubsidized employment immediately following training completion. Of the participants who obtained unsubsidized employment, 75% were able to exit the TANF program. This high rate of employment and transition off of public assistance, and the fact that some participants were offered employment prior to program completion, exceeded County expectations.