LUESA Exchange - An Employee Enrichment Opportunity

2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Mecklenburg County, N.C., NC

About the Program

Category: Personnel Management, Employment and Training (Best in Category)

Year: 2016

Mecklenburg County's Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) is comprised of six(6) distinct divisions and employs over 350 professionals. In order to build knowledge across the six(6) divisions, in fall of 2105 LUESA offered interested employees an opportunity to spend 1-3 days shadowing a host employee in another division. Fifteen (15) employees were selected to participate and survey results demonstrated that the pilot of this program was successful. When asked if they would recommend LUESA Exchange to other employees, all (100%) respondents answered, "yes." LUESA Exchange is a model for government agencies looking to build knowledge and experience across their organizations; challenge and motivate employees, and increase the flexibility and adaptability of their organization.