Bethesda Facility Improvements
2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Montgomery County, Md., MD
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Transportation (Best in Category)
Year: 2021
The Montgomery County Department of Transportationâs Division of Parking Management manages the parking resources of over 22,000 spaces in 400 on-street zones, 21 garages and 21 lots. These resources are subdivided into Parking Lot Districts (PLD) and are an important tool for achieving the public objectives of economic development and transportation mobility management.The Division supports the comprehensive development of the Parking Lot Districts by supplying enough parking spaces to accommodate that segment of the public demand which is neither provided for by developers nor served by alternate mobility choices. It accomplishes these goals through careful management of several Parking and Revenue Controls Systems (PARCS). These systems are selected based on their accessibility to the general public, effectiveness in supporting programs such as permitting and enforcement, and efficiency of management, service and support.Five garages and one lot within the Bethesda PLD were identified as candidates for a modernization plan due to the age of their existing single space meters, their high demand by our parking customers and neighboring businesses and residents, and the need to optimize parking inventory.