Alternative Work Program-Facilities Management

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Cook County, Ill., IL

About the Program

Category: Personnel Management, Employment and Training (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

In January of 2009, the Cook County Department of Facilities Management took notice of the fact that the County had multiple employees off of work due to injury or illness, Facilities Management recognized that many non-administrative employees (Skilled Trades and Engineers) who were currently collecting disability benefits could return to work in an administrative capacity. Over the past two years, Facilities management has had eleven (11) employees participate in the newly created Alternative Work Program. Cook County has endured multiple budget cuts over the past four years, and many administrative positions have been eliminated. With an expanding workload and fewer staff, AWP participants have performed many clerical functions. Upon the completion of the AWP, participants gain a better understanding and awareness of clerical, administrative, and managerial challenges and expectations. As with many counties in the United States, Cook County’s pension system is underfunded. All employees that become disabled while they are still employed are paid partially through the pension system. Enrolling employees into the AWP and getting these employees back to work has saved the County a great deal of money within the system.