Support Authorization of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)

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Urge federal lawmakers to pass a Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) bill during the 118th Congress and to continue the two-year WRDA authorization cycle.
WRDA bills authorize water resources studies and projects and set policies for navigation, flood control, hydropower, recreation, water supply and emergency management for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps). This legislation advances county interests related to ports, inland waterways, levees, dams, wetlands, watersheds and coastal restoration.
Congress has passed WRDA on a two-year authorization cycle since 2014. The authorizing committees for the Army Corps – the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) – are currently working through the legislative process for WRDA 2024. On May 22, 2024, the Senate EPW Committee unanimously passed their WRDA bill. The Senate bill authorizes $2.3 billion for 81 feasibility studies and 8 new or modified construction projects as well as:
- Directing the Corps to develop and execute a plan to fully implement projects in previous WRDAs
- Directing the Corps to educate non-federal sponsors such as counties, about operations, maintenance, repair, replacement and rehabilitation responsibilities
- Improving the Corps’ online permit finder resource to provide up to date information on the status of project permits
- Increasing the maximum amount of funds the Corps may contribute under the existing Continuing Authorities Program (CAP)
The EPW bill now awaits consideration by the full Senate. The House T&I Committee is expected to markup their WRDA bill during summer 2024.
Counties work with the Army Corps to strengthen local infrastructure and NACo has played a key role in including county priorities in previous WRDA bills. During the 2018 WRDA cycle, NACo testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on the county role in strengthening America’s water infrastructure and ultimately secured several provisions supported by counties, such as requiring the Army Corps to consult with impacted stakeholders, including local government, on future pending WRDA projects, annual district budgets, deauthorized projects and guidance documents. NACo leadership was also active during the 2020 and 2022 WRDA cycles, sending multiple letters to Congressional leaders advocating for county priorities.
- As owners, users and regulators of water resources and infrastructure, counties are directly impacted by the policies and funding authorized in the legislation.
- WRDA is critical in assisting county governments to protect, maintain and further develop our water infrastructure systems including ports, waterways and clean and safe drinking water.
- Passing WRDA on a biennial basis provides critical stability and certainty to local governments required to meet water infrastructure needs while also supporting the safety, environment and economic development of our communities.
- Counties support preserving and maintaining the partnership between federal, state and local governments for funding, implementing and maintaining essential and environmentally sound navigation, harbor, beach management and flow control projects across the nation.
- Local governments need a strong WRDA to address critical water infrastructure needs in our communities.
- Through WRDA, the Army Corps supports certain projects and studies, allowing some communities with limited funds to move forward with vital projects that would otherwise be unaffordable.