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Counties are well-positioned to improve economic outcomes for the residents of their local communities. NACo’s new report analyzes the tools that counties can use to drive economic mobility, or movement up the economic ladder, over a lifetime. During this webinar, the report authors and county leaders will discuss the underlying elements of economic mobility and how counties can use local power and authority to foster upward mobility for residents. This session will present the report’s seven key policy areas in which counties hold particularly effective solutions to uplift communities and residents: housing, education and workforce development, health, community and neighborhood development, justice and public safety, technology and information access and financial security. The webinar will also feature examples from counties that have used these levers to promote successful economic outcomes for residents.

Information for county leaders about joining NACo’s Economic Mobility Leadership Network will also be shared.

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Hon. Kevin L. Boyce

Commissioner, Franklin County, Ohio
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Stacy Nakintu

Senior Analyst, Research & Data Analytics
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Hon. Larry Nelson

Supervisor, Waukesha County, Wis.

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County Countdown – July 1, 2024

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