Available On-Demand

This webinar is available on-demand. If you have issue accessing the recording, please email nacomeetings@naco.org.

In 2021, Texas passed legislation establishing a pilot Regional Security Operations Center (RSOC) to provide support to local governments and school districts that need assistance with major cybersecurity incidents. Angelo State University was selected to operate the pilot RSOC and partnered with Deloitte from the beginning.

Angelo State’s RSOC provides cybersecurity support, monitoring and response services and infrastructure to local and regional government entities, medical facilities, and school districts. The resource optimization the RSOC provides allows for efficient incident response and ensures expertise and knowledge are shared across the organization, benefitting all geographically dispersed locations.

The webinar will provide insight into the pilot program, local impact, lessons learned, and considerations for standing up similar programs.

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Headshot of Michael Wyatt

Michael Wyatt

Advisory Principal, Deloitte
Headshot of Dr. Donald Topliff

Dr. Don Topliff

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Angelo State University
Headshot of Doug Fox

Doug Fox

Chief Information Officer, Angelo State University

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Connected and Protected: The Importance of Regional Cyber Tabletop Exercises

Join us for an interactive webinar on the importance of regional tabletop exercises in enhancing cybersecurity defenses for county governments. Learn how these exercises can help bridge connections between different local government agencies and departments, improve cybersecurity measures, and foster effective collaboration. Discover practical steps to initiate and conduct regional tabletop exercises, ensuring a coordinated and resilient response to potential cyber threats.


NACo AI Regional Forum Series

Details below

The NACo AI Regional Forum series is convening local government elected officials, appointed officers, department heads, and staff across different geographical regions to provide an educational, hands-on symposium on the landscape of artificial intelligence.


NACo AI Northeast Regional Forum

County Commissioners Association of PA (CCAP)​

The NACo AI Regional Forum series is convening local government elected officials, appointed officers, department heads, and staff across different geographical regions to provide an educational, hands-on symposium on the landscape of artificial intelligence.

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