Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Policy Steering Committee
About the Committee
All matters pertaining to the financial resources of counties, fiscal management, federal assistance, municipal borrowing, county revenues, federal budget, federal tax reform, elections and Native American issues.
Policy Platform & Resolutions 2024-2025
Counties, as political subdivisions of the sovereign states have a right and a responsibility to raise the necessary revenues to finance critical basic public services of a wide variety, many of which are federally mandated.
Featured Initiative
American Rescue Plan Resource Hub

NACo Analysis: Overview of New Treasury Guidance for ARPA Flexibility Legislation

Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Policy Briefs
The County Role in Elections: How Counties Administer Secure Elections

Committee Chair
View all committee members here.

Curtis Koch
Chair, NACo Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Steering Committee
Committee Contact

Paige Mellerio
Legislative Director, Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs | Local Government Legal Center