Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Policy Steering Committee

All matters pertaining to the financial resources of counties, fiscal management, federal assistance, municipal borrowing, county revenues, federal budget, federal tax reform, elections and Native American issues.

Policy Platform & Resolutions 2023-2024

Counties, as political subdivisions of the sovereign states have a right and a responsibility to raise the necessary revenues to finance critical basic public services of a wide variety, many of which are federally mandated.

Updates & Analysis

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Legislative Analysis for Counties: The Inflation Reduction Act

The IRA will strengthen county resiliency and better prepare us to address risks in a manner that can minimize the impact on local residents and businesses, while helping counties save money.

Committee Chair

View all committee members here.


Curtis Koch

Chair, NACo Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs Steering Committee

Committee Contact

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Paige Mellerio

Associate Legislative Director – Finance, Pensions & Intergovernmental Affairs
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