Video Orders Of Protection-Safety For Victims Of Domestic Violence

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Maricopa County, Ariz., AZ

About the Program

Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

Video Orders of Protection was designed to help ensure the safety of the victims of domestic violence in the Phoenix area. This pioneering program has helped hospitalized and emergency room victims obtain an order of protection remotely from the county hospital. By establishing a video link between the West McDowell Justice Court and the county hospital, victims of domestic abuse and violence no longer have to jeopardize their safety or compromise their medical condition in order to seek an Order of Protection by travelling to a court. A Domestic Violence advocate assists victims at the hospital with the court forms and allows a judge to interview the victim remotely, via a video connection into the courtroom, to issue and sign the order. In most cases, a police officer is standing by to serve the order. This innovative program integrates the resources of Justice Courts, Maricopa Integrated health System and MedPRO DMG (District Medical Group), making the program a trusted community partner in the fight against domestic violence.