Tax Collection Fee Study & Analytics
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Financial Management (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collectorâs Tax Collector Division (ATC-TC) imposes fees on tax bills to cover costs that are incurred with certain business processes and policies. Annually, ATC-TC will analyze the fee amounts, counts, and total amounts collected versus work performances to determine if any adjustments are needed for the upcoming year to recover the administrative costs and for budgeting purposes. To complete this analysis, ATC-TC had to request a transactional data dump and manually generate reports using Microsoft Excel as the primary reporting tool. However, these manual reports do not provide clear pictures of the County's financial and fee management. Moreover, this manual process is very time-consuming and highly error-prone. ATC-TC collaborated with the Information Technology Division (ATC-ITD) to find a financial analysis solution that would be more efficient and accurate for studying the tax collection fees. The best proposal was to use the data automation and conversion directly from the 40-year-old tax collector management and accounting IMS mainframe system and leverage the business intelligence technology. As a result, the Tax Collector Fee Study & Analytics automation was completed and deployed in January 2023 to streamline data analysis and business analytics, which provides information that facilitates effective financial management and public policy making.