South Academy Improvement Project
2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner
El Paso County, Colo., CO
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Transportation (Best in Category)
Year: 2009
The South Academy Improvement Project is a multi-phase project that provides capacity and operational improvements on South Academy Boulevard between two state highways, I-95 and SH-115. Phases 1 through 3 of the project completed the four lane roadway section in those areas where it was previously only two lanes. The project constructed three new bridges to carry the expanded roadway including one that spanned the railroad tracks serving Fort Carson. The project also reconfigured the access from Pikes Peak Community College including new access roadways and signalized intersections to improve overall access and traffic operations for the college and to provide access to a future development site on the north side of the highway. The âon and offâ ramps at both state highways were also modified to tie into the new roadway configuration including new or modified signals at the interfaces with South Academy Boulevard. A future phase will add a grade separated ramp system that will provide access to westbound Academy from Fort Carson thus providing a movement that does not exist with the current highway configuration.