Plain Language Initiative

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The County of Los Angeles’s Quality and Productivity Commission launched a Plain Language Initiative in 2005. The purpose was to explore the use of plain language countywide and promote the use of clear communication to the public. Using plain language saves time, money, and resources and allows the public easy access to quality services. The first step was to conduct a countywide survey on plain language practices. It revealed overwhelming interest in advancing a promotional campaign. Next, the Commission explored the use of plain language nationally. After consulting with subject matter experts, the Commission took a bold step by pilot testing editor software and an electronic writing course. Feedback confirmed that plain language was valued among County employees resulting in improved quality of customer service and increased staff productivity. When one County department simplified its consumer tip sheets and voice messages, help desk calls were reduced by 30%. Besides using learning tools like the software and writing course, the Commission offered courses in Principles of Plain Language, Advanced Principles, Web Based Writing, and Document Revision Workshops. Plain language users are eager to use tools to help them improve their writing skills regardless of the level of education, and the public is better served with communication they are able to read and understand.