Lives Worth Saving: A Community and Faith Alliance to Reduce Gang Violence

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Orange County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The Lives Worth Saving Alliance is a collaborative partnership between government agencies and the faith community, to address the needs of youth who are at-risk of gang exposure or already involved in the criminal justice system due to gang-related criminal activity. The initial goal of LWS was to open a dialogue between government agencies and community faith leaders to increase communication, cooperation, and collaboration in the delivery of services to at-risk youth. This grew into a desire to reach out to other members of the network who are involved with youth including family, friends, churches, schools, community-based organizations, community corrections, law-enforcement and community leaders. In 2008, the Orange County Probation Department and faith community members sponsored a Lives Worth Saving Summit to provide a forum for those involved in youth gang prevention and intervention to share information and address barriers that impact at-risk youth. As a result of the summit, membership has expanded and evolved into the Lives Worth Saving Alliance, with plans to continue working together to develop effective community solutions and reach out to at-risk youth and their families before the influence of gangs and drugs have cost them their lives.