Juvenile Services Intervention Supervision Program
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The San Bernardino County Probation Juvenile Supervision Bureau, launched a pilot program to provide enhanced community-based supervision services for youth at risk of returning to custody in 2021. The pilot focused on the increase of youth on supervised probation for firearm related crimes. An audit of juvenile supervision cases was done and it was determined based on amount of cases, two probation officers would be able to divide up the region to provide intensive supervision and strive towards deterring youth on the two caseloads from possessing firearms in the future. The program collaborated with the Department of Behavioral Health and community-based organizations. Youth, their families and other supportive resources participated in Child and Family Treatment meetings to established goals for the youth, the needs of the family in providing for the child and the resources needed to develop an effective service plan. Juvenile Justice Community Reintegration services, along with the Juvenile Day Reporting Center programs for treatment and prevention were available to program youth.