Interactive Contracts Management Data Visualization

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Broward County, Fla., FL

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About the Program

Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

The Interactive Contracts Management Dashboards accesses multiple data sources for a singular point of visualization, enabling Broward County contract administrators from any agency to explore easy-to-understand data sets -- even if they do not have a background in business intelligence, data-mining or statistical analysis. By providing real-time visualization of contract renewal deadlines, expenditure thresholds, certified local small business use goals, and anticipatory procurement cycle deadlines and milestones, County staff can manage contract resources and make real-time decisions based on current contract data more effectively and efficiently. Broward County has created an invaluable self-service tool allowing staff to meet goals and implement mission essential functions without the costly interruptions caused by expired contracts or exceeded expenditure thresholds. This technology-based Interactive Contracts Management solution has ultimately allowed Broward County agencies to be better managed, more efficient, and more cost-effective.