Implementing a Fully Integrated Civil/Criminal Justice System

2015 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Peoria County, Ill., IL

About the Program

Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety (Best in Category)

Year: 2015

On November 11, 2013, Peoria County launched a customized Civil/Criminal Justice System known as Odyssey that technologically integrates all internal departments involved in criminal justice, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and probation. The system also grants external agencies access to criminal court records as appropriate. Previously, Peoria County operated on an antiquated system installed in 1990 that did not have the capability for interoperability, meaning records could not be accessed or shared electronically, resulting in a laborious process of information sharing with potentially harmful consequences if error, delay, or mishandling of court records or evidence occurred. In 2011, Peoria County decided to install a client-server platform for a fully integrated system with modules for civil, criminal, traffic and court administration, prosecution, probation, civil process, and warrants. The following March, the County Board approved Tyler Technologies' proposal for an Integrated Civil/Criminal Justice System with the plan to go live in 2013, an aggressive schedule that meant actively engaging employees in six County departments. But upgrading to a fully integrated system has resulted in expeditious information sharing; enhanced productivity; and a reduction in duplications, omissions, and errors. It has also resulted in only the third comprehensive Odyssey suite implementation in the nation!