Great Plates Delivered – Automated Contracting Process

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

During the pandemic, the Los Angeles County Aging & Disabilities Department (formerly Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services) was the administrator of the Great Plates Delivered (GPD) program for the County to ensure that older adults sheltering at home had access to nutritious meals, while stimulating the regional economy by helping the restaurant community get back to work. GPD is a large-scale, complex project which cuts across multiple sections. The Aging and Disabilities (AD) streamlined the restaurant application process, digitized the contracts as well as developed and implemented an innovative and seamless contract approval process, the first ever in LA County to fully automate the execution of contracts and interfaced with the Food and Meal Application (FAMS) internal application, ensuring the highest level of efficiency for project outcomes across all sections. These efficiencies allowed for successfully contracting with 82 restaurants throughout the County to serve 8,933 senior clients with 6.8 million meals in a timely manner, ensuring they didn’t go hungry for extra days.