Expanding Use of the Knox Box Rapid Entry System for Improved Customer Service
2014 NACo Achievement Award Winner
York County, Va., VA
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety (Best in Category)
Year: 2014
The York County Department of Fire and Life Safety consistently strives to provide efficient and effective fire and rescue response in order to minimize property damage and loss, as well as minimize pain and suffering from injuries and illnesses that affect our community members. In an effort to provide additional support to those affected by fire in their home or business and/or sudden illness/injury, the department has adapted the KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System to provide a value added service to both our community and department personnel in a manner that streamlines operational effectiveness while minimizing the after effects for residents and/or business owners following a fire loss. This concept also provides critical unimpeded access to someone suffering from injury/illness without a friend or loved one close enough to provide access to the patient. Additionally, through the use of a master key retention system to control the KNOX-BOX® Master Key, accountability is provided which includes an audit trail for each key release.