Evacuation Leave

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Coconino County, Ariz., AZ

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About the Program

Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

Coconino County serves approximately 140,000 residents and provides essential services that create resilient and safe communities. Our organization’s commitment to public service is further demonstrated by innovative policies designed not only to benefit our citizens but our employees as well. On April 26, 2022, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors approved a new policy, Evacuation Leave. The Evacuation Leave Policy provides leave time for regular employees personally impacted by evacuation orders during a declared emergency. Regular status employees who have been evacuated and are in “GO” status receive 80-hours of Evacuation Leave. Regular status employees who are in “SET” status receive 40-hours of Evacuation Leave and those who are in “SET” status and are elevated to “GO” status will not exceed 80-hours of Evacuation Leave. Part-time, regular employees have their Evacuation Leave pro-rated. Our county leadership has continued to support our county family. Implementation of this leave has helped county employees feel supported in the hardest of times. Coconino County has extensive experience responding to wildfires, post-wildfire flooding, snowstorms and even tornados. Having this benefit available to employees is what continues to uphold the County mission by recognizing and supporting employees as Coconino County’s most valuable asset.