Community Care Expansion (CCE) Preservation Program Team
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: County Administration and Management (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
The Community Care Expansion (CCE) Preservation Project is an effort initiated by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), with an approximate budget of $249 million, made available through noncompetitive allocation to counties that have opted into the program. The program provides two forms of direct financial assistance to eligible Adult Residential Facilities (ARF), Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE), and Residential Care Facilities for the Chronically Ill (RCFCI): ⢠Operating Subsidy Payments (OSP): Funds may be used to preserve and avoid the closure of ARFs, RCFEs, and RCFCIs through operational financial support. ⢠Capital Projects (CP): Funds may be applied to physical repairs or required upgrades to ARFs, RCFEs, and RCFCIs to prevent closure and/or meet licensing requirements. The County of San Bernardino (County) recognizes the vital role that ARFs, RCFEs, and RCFCIs play in providing care to vulnerable populations within our community. To ensure the ongoing reliability and sustainability of our long-term care continuum, the County has agreed to partake in the California Community Care Expansion (CCE) Preservation Program. This effort will not only support existing facilities in continuing to provide care to their current clients, but it will also alleviate the homelessness issue in the County, as facilities will be able to improve conditions which will allow them to serve at their full capacity. The County has formed a multidisciplinary team (Team), to collaborate and oversee all CCE aspects. Furthermore, guidelines and program tools have been developed for proper planning and management of funds and projects.