Opioid Solutions Center
NACo's Opioid Solutions Center empowers local leaders to invest resources in effective prevention, treatment, recovery and harm reduction practices that save lives and address the underlying causes of substance use disorders.
Counties are on the frontline of the opioid epidemic, providing public services that save lives and support recovery. Our 911 call centers and county-run crisis lines are the first to receive calls for help when an overdose happens. Our first responders, and increasingly mental health clinicians, are the first to arrive on the scene to stabilize the crisis and offer support. Our local crisis triage centers serve as safe places before, during and after a behavioral health crisis to access services, treatment and immediate and ongoing care.
Funding from the national opioid settlements presents an opportunity for counties to sustain and strengthen our response to the ongoing opioid epidemic. To help counties maximize the impact of this unique funding stream, NACo provides custom planning, implementation and peer learning resources through the Opioid Solutions Center.
Opioid Solutions Leadership Network
NACo’s Opioid Solutions Leadership Network is a learning community for county leaders who are committed to investing opioid settlement funds to save lives and address the needs of people affected by substance misuse.
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