Available On-Demand

This webinar is available on-demand. If you have issue accessing the recording, please email nacomeetings@naco.org.

One collaborative strategy in prioritizing and evaluating AI Use-Cases is to hold an AI Idea Hackathon. A hackathon is a day-long exercise that spends time educating employees on how AI and GenAI work, and then “brainstorming” with county employees to identify areas within their businesses where AI could improve productivity and service delivery.  

As you will hear from our speakers, there is magic in this event.  Join us as we unpack both the practical and magical elements of an AI idea hackathon and learn how to create a cross-collaborative experience to help build your county's AI strategy. 

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Shannon Smith

Chief of Staff, Information Technology Department, King County, Wash.
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Sybil Gurney

Assistant Chief Information Officer, Alameda County, Calif.
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Rita Reynolds

Chief Information Officer, NACo

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