WellnessWorks Self Care Webinar Series
2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Miami-Dade County, Fla., FL
Best In Category
Contact Awards@NACo.org
About the Program
Category: Health (Best in Category)
Year: 2021
Like many organizations and employers in the United States, Miami-Dade County was faced with having a portion of their workforce forced to report remotely while essential employees continued on the frontlines delivering vital services to the community as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping employees engaged and feeling supported became more important than ever as we were separated from our usual operations and facing the unknown. Finding new alternatives to communicate and maintain programing required a prompt and creative response. Leveraging existing resources, the WellnessWorks Program, delivered by the Employee Benefits and Employee Support Services Division of the Human Resources Department, developed a midday series of educational webinars to promote employee wellness and self-care. The focus of the WellnessWorks Self-Care Webinar Series was to build resilience and offer a contingent of varied topics to stimulate healthy living. The addition of Take 10 Breaks created another physical component. Employees had to get up from their chairs throughout the day and add physical activity including stretches to relieve stress. By the end of the year, 145 different webinars were presented and employee attendance exceeded 5,000. This resulted in the WellnessWorks Program sustaining and supporting the Miami-Dade workforce with valued programming safely.