Volunteer Oyster Reef Restoration

2010 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Palm Beach County, Fla., FL

About the Program

Category: Volunteers (Best in Category)

Year: 2010

Lake Worth Lagoon is Palm Beach County’s largest coastal estuary, a major navigation waterway and an important ecosystem providing food, habitat and refuge for birds, sea turtles manatees, fish and invertebrates among other animals. The quality of life residents experience and the county’s local economy are directly linked to the lagoon, yet residents know very little about this natural resource. Environmental restoration and enhancement efforts are needed because human actions, such as commercial and residential development, dredging and storm water discharges have degraded the estuary’s water quality and resources. Five acres of healthy oyster reefs can be found throughout the lagoon and managers have estimated 185 acres are suitable for oysters. To increase oyster habitat while simultaneously increasing public awareness, Palm Beach County Florida, the Town of Latana and West Palm Beach Fishing Club implemented a Volunteer Oyster Reef Restoration Project. More than 160 volunteers filled 1,400 netted bags with 24 tons of fossilized shell and placed them along the shoreline. The results of this successful project are being shared with local municipalities to encourage additional volunteer oyster reef restoration projects in Lake Worth Lagoon.

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