Urban Beats

2020 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Children and Youth (Best in Category)

Year: 2020

Urban Beats is a program for transitional age youth 16-25 years old, that features the use of multiple models of artistic expression including visual arts, spoken word, music, videos, performances and social media. The program was created for clients in the mental health system or at risk of mental health challenges, to improve their engagement and access to services while reducing stigma.Urban Beats participants reflect a substantial diversity in race/ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity. Program data demonstrates that participants feel more able to make positive changes in their lives and are more comfortable talking to mental health professionals. Participants are also more likely to think that professional mental health services are effective for improving mental health. The majority of participants indicate that as a result of the program they know where to get help, are more comfortable seeking help, could more effectively deal with problems, and were less bothered by symptoms.

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