Unhoused COVID-19 Vaccination Initiative
2022 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Human Services (Best in Category)
Year: 2022
The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) and Department of Public Health (DPH) collaborated with stakeholders to provide access to vaccinations amongst the unhoused population San Bernardino County. The collaboration consisted of two strategies that allowed for COVID-19 vaccines to be taken directly to displaced individuals. COVID-19 vaccination clinics were held in partnership with organizations serving unhoused populations, including homeless shelters, food distribution centers, and housing support centers. In addition, DBH’s Innovative Remote Onsite Assistance Delivery Team (InnROADs) was trained to support the COVID-19 response with vaccinations. InnROADs offers an innovative approach to provide mental health, substance use disorder and medical treatment to those experiencing homelessness in the County. The InnROADS team administered COVID-19 vaccines at several homeless encampments across the County. The tactical collaboration between each stakeholder has been fundamental to the success of the program.