Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Maintenance Program

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Pierce County, Wash., WA

About the Program

Category: Transportation (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

In January 2008, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices began requiring agencies to use an assessment or management method to maintain the retroreflectivity of their traffic signs at or above established thresholds. Agencies have four years to implement their method and three additional years to replace signs found to be below the minimums. Pierce County utilized it traffic sign inventory as a powerful asset management tool to determine which method worked most effectively while minimizing additional workload and system administration. Three years ahead of the deadline, the County selected its methodology, using a combination of a field control sample, retroreflectivity measurements, and sign age. Six years ahead of the replacement deadline, the County was already upgrading signs that were identified for replacement. The County also found that existing signs that were past their manufacturer warranty period still were comfortably above the minimum retroreflectivity levels and did not need to be replaced. This finding is saving the County thousands of dollars each year, maximizing the service life of these signs.