Tort Liability Corrective Action Plans

2009 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Risk and Emergency Management (Best in Category)

Year: 2009

The County of Los Angeles has developed a number of administrative procedures to prevent the recurrence of unwanted events which have resulted in liability for the County’s various departments. The Board of Supervisors have required the creation of a program to develop, implement, and manage specific Corrective Action Plans for liability losses that result in settlements over $100,000 and Summary Corrective Action Plans for liability losses that result in settlements from $20,000 to $100,000. Although the County has an industry leading loss prevention identified and abated and mitigated to prevent recurrence at the specific site, department, and County-wide level. The Chief Executive Office Risk Management Branch has been assigned the responsibility to oversee the functioning of the CAP/SCAP Program which involves developing training programs, providing specific loss control examination consultation, reviewing Program documents for quality prior to approval, measuring effectiveness/closure of completed CAP steps, and communicating Program related information to affected County employees.

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