Title: Mascot Provides Link to Unify Stafford County’s Services, Communications and Identity

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Stafford County, Va., VA

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About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

Stafford County, Virginia, created a chat mascot, Blu the Great Blue Heron, that quickly morphed into an umbrella for branding and multiple service options. Before Blu, residents submit questions by calling 311 from a landline, dialing Stafford’s main information line, or tracking down the email for the correct staff person. Stafford decided to add a chat option to its website hosted by Blu the heron, a bird found among the many bodies of water in and around the county. Staff realized that Blu’s persona was more than a mascot. It was an umbrella concept for other efforts at making information more quickly available to residents: a monthly newsletter, Blu’s News; Blu’s Academy, an online citizen class for learning about government; an online request system; an app; coloring pages for kids; and even a texting feature. There are endless possibilities for using Blu to assist the public better. The goal is to ensure that when people see Blu, they know they can ask Blu anything and get assistance.

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