Title 1 Library Cards

2012 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Augusta County, Va., VA

About the Program

Category: Libraries (Best in Category)

Year: 2012

In 2010 the Augusta County Library teamed up with the area's Title I Reading Program to offer fine-free library cards to all eligible students. The Title I Program's mission is to provide federal funding for schools to help students who are behind academically or at risk of falling behind, and the library wanted to offer more support and incentives. The Augusta County Library’s mission is to provide information and answers to questions on a broad array of topics related to work, school and personal life and to support the desire for self-directed growth and development. The program is encouraging parents to read with their children regularly. facilitating family bonding and educational achievements. The library was aware that a history of fines and a fear of accruing more debt were keeping many families away. By giving fine free cards to struggling readers, Title I and the Library hope to get these families onto a path that will lead to higher phonemic awareness, reading readiness skills, stronger spelling and vocabulary skills as well as higher reading/listening comprehension and writing abilities. Overall, this program was a great success. Title I families and individuals have responded positively and the library has seen increased traffic from these citizens.

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