Tip the Scale to Reduce Drug Abuse and Increase Public Safety

2011 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Human Services (Best in Category)

Year: 2011

Drug abuse is not a problem that can simply be “arrested away.” Tossing the occasional drug dealer in jail helps… a little. Offering treatment programs helps… some people. San Diego County recognized the need for a large-scale, collaborative effort to tackle the pervasive drug problem that it faced. Pulling together specialists and County Alcohol and Drug Services, law enforcement, the justice system, and local city and transportation representatives, the County’s Methamphetamine Strike Force mapped out a plan to confront drug abuse head on, and in a highly visible way, to deter crime and generate maximum awareness. Thus, Operation Tip the Scale was born. On designated days, law enforcement partners conduct warrant sweeps and compliance checks of individuals with court-ordered drug and alcohol treatment. In the case of an on-the-spot arrest, substance abuse counselors engage the individual in a conversation, encourage treatment, and distribute resource information to family members. The subtle, but truly groundbreaking aspect of the program is the 180 degree switch in perspective of law enforcers that are now encouraging treatment for criminals, and drug treatment professionals holding substance abusers accountable for their legal court orders. “Tipping the Scale” to move communities away from drug-related problems and crime to healthier and safer neighborhoods uses existing resources and partnerships to produce powerful outcomes.

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