Sustaining Civic Education Throughout A 400th Anniversary

2012 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Henrico County, Va., VA

About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2012

2011 marked the 400th anniversary of Henrico County, Virginia, the second English settlement in the New World. The Board of Supervisors appointed a 2011 Commemoration Advisory Commission to plan and implement a significant historical program to celebrate 400 years. The Commission with County staff assistance, created a multi-faceted program that focused on civic education, public information, partnerships, historic research, and tourism. They developed a Strategic Public Relations & Marketing Plan, a Tourist Information Center, a 400th Website, twelve “hosted” events that set record- breaking attendance, three bus tours, exhibits, and a “2011 Room.” The Henrico County Public Schools created an Explorers’ Passport program, compiled 69 school histories, produced a School History DVD, and involved students in reading Henrico native, David Baldacci’s books for the “All Henrico Reads” event. The program successfully sustained citizen and business involvement for 16 months and the components of the program could be a checklist for communities planning anniversary programs.

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