Strategic Approach to Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs)

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Los Angeles County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Children and Youth (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

This unique program leverages limited Child Support Services Department (CSSD) resources to strategically identify cases wherein obligors possess defined contribution and defined benefit plan accounts, which can be used to pay current and past due support. Upon identification of cases that meet the criteria for a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), CSSD reviews the cases to ensure that the arrears are correct and that the proposed QDRO meets the plan's requirements. Once the arrears and plan approval are confirmed, staff attorneys prepare legal filings to distribute these retirement savings to the custodial parents to support their children. Since 2018, the QDRO Team, consisting of eight dedicated individuals, has collected approximately $21 million for the children of Los Angeles County. Not only has this program benefited custodial parents and children, but noncustodial parents also benefit as they can often pay off their arrears or at least their principal balance, which reduces the accrual of monthly interest.

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