Special Needs Registry (Web Application)
2018 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Broward County, Fla., FL
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2018
The primary purpose of Broward Countyâs Special Medical Needs Emergency Sheltering and Transportation Program (SPNR) is to maintain a registry through which adult residents of Broward County, age 18 and older, with functional access or medical needs can register for emergency sheltering and transportation support. To be part of the Special Needs Registry, the clients must undergo medical examination, be certified by a physician, and meet Florida Health in Broward Countyâs criteria for shelter assignment. The Broward County Emergency Management Division (BEMD) works closely with Broward County Transit Division to implement this program. The Special Needs Registry is mandated by Florida Statutes. To comply with the state mandate, and to provide an effective means to ensure compliance with privacy rules, the new Special Needs Registry was designed in collaboration with BEMD and Paratransit, and developed by Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) Division. The purpose of the new registry application is to provide a web-based repository of Special Needs clients. The application also integrates the Special Needs Registry with Broward County Transit Divisionâs scheduling system (ADEPT software) and provides a seamless integration of the business functions of both agencies with regards to special needs transportation.