South Phoenix Health Start Fatherhood Program

2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Maricopa County, Ariz., AZ

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About the Program

Category: Health (Best in Category)

Year: 2023

In 2020, South Phoenix Healthy Start (SPHS) began implementation of the Fatherhood Program. Over the past several years the program has grown to include case management services, support groups, and health education classes for men in homes and in the Maricopa Jails. Male participants in our program receive long term case management, health education, mental health, and social determinate of health screenings, as well as referrals for community resources as needed. SPHS utilizes evidence-based curriculum to support the fathers/male partners within our target communities. Specifically, SPHS uses Partners for a Healthy Baby and 24/7 Dad’s, NPLC Co-Parenting and Life Coach and Inside Out Dad Curriculums for case management of male participants. Men are referred into the program 3 ways, through community outreach activities, through family visits with existing parenting partners in the program, and through the jail systems. The Success of the program is monitored using three benchmarks: Improved Family Health, Family Relationships and achieving Economic Stability.

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