Solicitation Tracker – Transparency in Public Procurement

2020 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Montgomery County, Md., MD

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About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2020

The mission of the Office of Procurement is to facilitate the use of public funds in partnership with County departments to effectively procure goods and services in an inclusive, transparent and equitable manner that best serves County residents, businesses, and the public interest. Transparency is a critical core value as it encourages the public’s good will and strengthened trust in the County’s procurement process. In keeping with that value, Procurement and the Department of Technology Services developed a web-based application to provide insight on how each County solicitation is moving along in real-time. The Solicitation Tracker, created in 2019, is a userfriendly tool that gives the public the ability to find the status of a solicitation from issuance to contract execution. The tracker further increases transparency by providing project stakeholders key information needed for project planning purposes including points of contact and estimated dates of completion. Accessibility to information that is easy to understand makes doing business with government much more appealing to the business community and strengthens the public’s trust.