Robotic Pet Initiative
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Human Services (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
San Bernardino Countyâs Department of Aging and Adult Services-Public Guardian (DAAS-PG) implemented the Robotic Pet Initiative in September 2022 to offer a new service and improve the emotional well-being of its senior and disabled adult population. DAAS-PG is an agency dedicated to helping seniors and at-risk individuals, one of the most vulnerable and underserved populations, in order to improve or maintain choice, independence, and quality of life in the least restrictive environment. In addition to physical challenges, the senior and disabled adult population frequently experiences social isolation and emotional challenges unique to bring an aging or disabled adult. Through the Robotic Pet Initiative, staff from Age Wise program and Office of the Public Guardian (programs administered by DAAS-PG) evaluate their clients who may benefit from this initiative, and if eligible, issue them a robotic dog or cat. These robotic pets serve as companions that provide the emotional comfort of a real pet, without the financial or physical requirements of caring for a live animal, helping to overcome barriers associated with monetary and mobility constraints often experienced by DAAS-PG program participants. The goal of the Robotic Pet Initiative is to provide comfort and, in some instances, therapeutic intervention for those experiencing behavioral health-related anxieties. Robotic pets can reduce levels of agitation and loneliness and are a stimulus for conversation. The pets can help with cognitive ability, including clients with Alzheimerâs and forms of dementia.