QR Reporting Signage Program - Department of Airports

2018 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Bernardino County, Calif., CA

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About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2018

The San Bernardino County Department of Airports provides for the management, development, maintenance and operation of six airports. This submission is for the implementation of the QR Reporting Signage program that is an augmentation to the existing electronic maintenance management system. This program is used to effectively communicate and track maintenance needs at all six county airports. To assist tenants and pilots with communicating maintenance needs in the leased hangars and public spaces the department developed a signage program to include a QR code. The QR code connects the user to the maintenance program and allows them to directly enter their requests and track the progress of the repair. Signage was developed in the form of hard signage posted throughout each facility and stickers that are placed in each tenant’s hangar or place of business. The results are measureable and electronically compiled. The number of airport user generated deficiency reports has increased by a factor of four. The Department of Airports has not modeled this reporting method from any existing General Aviation Airport System. We believed this simple and inexpensive communication methodology should be recognized and awarded an achievement in efficiency.