Pioneering the Way for Online County GIS
2014 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Hardin County, Ky., KY
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2014
In 2013 Hardin County Government began looking for ways to offer the residents of Hardin County all of the GIS information that the county maintained. There seemed to be no cost effective way to offer this information without purchasing expensive hardware/servers and the software to run on these new servers. In early 2013 the Hardin County GIS Coordinator discussed the possibility of purchasing a new subscription service called ArcGIS Online with the GIS software vendor ESRI. After careful discussion with county officials, a subscription to this cloud based GIS service was purchased and now many different applications and spatial data files are available to the residents of Hardin County free of charge. Several other counties and organizations in Kentucky have taken notice of Hardin County's new web based GIS services and Hardin County is pioneering the way for other Kentucky counties to use the cloud based service ArcGIS Online.