Performance Improvement Team (PIT)

2015 NACo Achievement Award Winner

San Diego County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)

Year: 2015

In 2013 the County of San Diego Planning & Development Services (PDS) created its Performance Improvement Team (PIT): a team that blends information technology and business operations experience to focus solely on improving departmental performance and customer experience. Previously, several staff members worked on innovation and re-engineering projects to improve systems and operations in addition to their daily operational duties. That system created a challenge to balance work on innovation and re-engineering projects with regular business operations. Front line operational needs often seemed to take priority over working on innovations for the future. To mitigate this challenge PDS created PIT, reorganizing existing staff to develop a team to focus on innovating, improving quality, our customers’ experiences, and to reduce time and costs. Since it was established, PIT has completed several projects towards these outcomes. For example, creating Permit Templates, Initial Study Research Reports and Property Summary Reports. By pulling staff off the operational front line to innovate, the County of San Diego has actually reduced the time and cost of business operations and improved our customers’ experiences.