PBC Interactive
2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Palm Beach County, Fla., FL
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Community and Economic Development (Best in Category)
Year: 2016
Launched in 2011, PBC Interactive is the first of its kind business web-application for economic development purposes in Palm Beach County. Created by a diverse group of professionals skilled in economics, planning, real estate appraisal and information technology, the program allows for broad-scope research and exploration of business opportunities by companies interested in the County as a potential site to relocate or expand their business. The general public also benefits by being able to search for information about land development issues that may affect their neighborhood. PBC Interactive is accessible via the Palm Beach County Homepage at http://maps.co.palm-beach.fl.us/gis/edo.aspx? It includes multiple economic data layers maintained in real time and offers a variety of features for obtaining business information about commercial or industrial uses of specific properties, future and existing land uses, zoning districts, industry classification codes, census data, enterprise zones, ownership and property tax information, and more. PBC Interactive was developed in-house without any external costs to the County. The popularity of this unique and innovative application is borne out by the volume of website visits. Between May 1, 2013 (when website statistics were first available) and January 1, 2016, the PBC Interactive website was visited 15,943 times.