One Stop Roadway Permit Shop
2013 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Dakota County, Minn., MN
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Transportation (Best in Category)
Year: 2013
The One Stop Roadway Permit Shop (Shop) streamlines roadway permit applications for DakotaCounty and seven partner cities into one online application, saving time and money for thoseseeking permits, the County and partner cities. Dakota County recruited its cities to partner on theShop to reduce costs for each agency, typically saving about $4,000 per year in informationtechnology costs alone, and much more in time, paperwork, and postage. The cities also saved$3,000 to $5,000 in startup costs compared to other online systems. The Shop saves Dakota Countyand its partner cities upwards of $400,000 per year.The One Stop Roadway Permit Shop (Shop) reduced turnaround time, application start to permit inhand,from about five days to as little as less than an hour to no more than one day. Four of thepartner cities were still accepting only hard copy permit applications prior to the Shop. Permitsissued through the Shop include special event permits (e.g. parades and 5k walks), utility work in theright-of-way, right-of-way obstruction (e.g. utility boxes), and general permits for right-of-way work(e.g. grading and excavation). Access and landscaping permits are being added to the Shop this year.