OCWR Virtual Outreach Program

2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Orange County, Calif., CA

About the Program

Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)

Year: 2021

Description -- This entry focuses on the rapid transition and implementation of a virtual outreach program by OC Waste & Recycling to deliver state-mandates waste diversion outreach. Typically OCWR executes in-person engagement activities, which COVID-19 precluded. Purpose – The purpose of the OCWR virtual outreach program is to provide continued recycling education to county residents despite the loss of in-person engagement opportunities such as tours, community events, speaking engagements, a recycling exhibit and school programs/field trips. Virtual programming offers new resources in digital and online formats to keep learning about recycling fun, interactive and supportive of family and school activities. Outcomes – OCWR was able to quickly and efficiently transition a variety of internal and external partnership programs to include virtual or at-home options for a continued stream of educational outreach. The revised programming kept OCWR and its partner programs on track with important waste diversion messaging despite constantly changing conditions of the pandemic. The virtual outreach initiative is now an important component to all outreach planning in support of statewide waste diversion goals and OCWR’s objectives to preserve landfill capacity and ensure a safe and healthy community for current and future generations.??

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