Not On My Watch

2017 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Utah Association of Counties, UT

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About the Program

Category: Human Services (Best in Category)

Year: 2017

Submitted on behalf of Utah Association of Counties, President Mark Whitney Domestic Violence is a subject matter that is often forsaken and taboo. Every day any one of our constituents could be affected by a domestic violence crime. The newly elected President of The Utah Association of Counties, Beaver County Commissioner Mark Whitney recognized if this human rights crisis was left unaddressed, we risk the loss of lives and a weakening and decline within our communities. UAC President Mark Whitney, kicked off the first ever Utah Association of Counties “President’s Initiative”, which challenged every county to recognize and raise domestic violence awareness, vowing to educate, collaborate and work together throughout the state to provide the necessary resources and support to each of our communities, insuring we have resources readily available for the constituents that we humbly serve. The Presidential Initiative was kicked off with a comprehensive educational campaign which included local and national statics as well the distribution of domestic violence information which was aimed to help all involved begin to recognize the red flags and warning signs of abuse. This action was quickly followed with some Utah County Commission’s successfully implementing a Domestic Violence Resolution, making a commitment to address this most important issue on a local level. Each County Commissioner and Elected Official has been encouraged to begin joining forces with local law enforcement in efforts to understand the rates at which this crime is happening on a local level as well as the resources that might be lacking. The results of this partnership have led to individualized and localized plans that bring each county and their constituents the specific help that they so desperately need. Domestic Violence is not isolated to Utah and we must be willing to do more, Commissioner Whitney asks the National Association of Counties to join him in Saying, “NOT ON MY WATCH!”

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