No-Till Seed Drill Rental Program

2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Johnson County, Kan., KS

About the Program

Category: County Resiliency (Best in Category)

Year: 2016

In 2015, the Johnson County, Kansas, Public Works Department established a program enabling County land-owners to rent a no-till seed drill for small to mid-size planting projects. No-till seeding is a soil conservation practice that reduces soil erosion, conserves moisture and is the most effective method for establishing native grasses. Establishing native grass along streambanks has been recognized by regulatory agencies as one approach to improve stream water quality by reducing sediment and nutrient pollution in stormwater runoff. Rental drills traditionally are available through County Conservation Districts in rural counties, but they typically cater to larger landowners. This service was discontinued over a decade ago in the rapidly urbanizing Johnson County as land transitioned from agricultural to more urban uses. However, the demand for a no-till seed drill was evident by the number of inquiries to county staff regarding the availability of a no-till seed drill for projects on smaller acreages. Based on number of requests, as well as the benefit of addressing water quality regulations, the no-till seed drill rental program was established. During the first year of the program, the seed drill was used by 18 individual landowners and 2 municipalities to seed a combined 223 acres.

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