MPDU Management System
2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Montgomery County, Md., MD
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Information Technology (Best in Category)
Year: 2016
Established in 1974, the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) program is the countryâs first mandatory, inclusionary-zoning law. The program markets units to renters and first-time homebuyers with moderate incomes. Since its inception, over 14,000 moderately priced dwelling units have been built, including 445 for 2015 alone. Upwards of 20,000 private individuals have participated in the program while in 2015 about 4,000 attended the various seminars organized by the MPDU program. To maintain such level of activity, improve internal efficiency, enhance participant experience, and provide management with quality actionable information, it was decided to redesign the information system used by the MPDU program. This was to be done as part of a wider IT initiative meant to modernize all core departmental applications, build an efficient and scalable information infrastructure, and document comprehensive software development practices and guidelines. The project successfully delivered within a fairly short period of time a user-friendly system that efficiently supports the major activities of the MPDU program, that leverages the most current web technologies and development practices, that exhibits a high degree of maintainability, and that will grow in terms of functionality as the MPDU program increases and improves the services it delivers to Montgomery Countyâs constituents.