Moral Reconation Therapy Group

2016 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Henrico County, Va., VA

About the Program

Category: Human Services (Best in Category)

Year: 2016

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is an evidence-based cognitive behavioral treatment modality utilized with individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder or antisocial traits. The Henrico Area Mental Health team in the jail identified the need for this type of service for inmates housed at Henrico Jail West as it is a common diagnosis for incarcerated individuals. While the team is typically tasked with crisis intervention, assessments, and triage of inmates; it was clear that the need existed to have additional therapeutic interventions available to the inmates. The group is voluntary and inmates do not receive any incentives for participation. The goal of the group is to assist individuals to identify negative ways of thinking, to learn new more appropriate ways and ultimately to reduce recidivism. Research demonstrates Moral Reconation Therapy significantly reduces recidivism, increases moral reasoning and life purpose, reduces antisocial thinking and behaviors, and improves rule compliance. This therapy has already had an impact in our jails as evidenced by the increase in pro-social behaviors including fewer institutional offenses committed by those participating.

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