Maricopa County Public Vaccine Data Website
2021 NACo Achievement Award Winner
Maricopa County, Ariz., AZ
Best In Category
About the Program
Category: Civic Education and Public Information (Best in Category)
Year: 2021
In February 2021, the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (Public Health) launchedthe Public Vaccine Data web site that consists of dashboards and an interactive map to reportthe number of county residents that have received COVID-19 vaccines. The dashboards reportthe number of vaccines administered by demographics such as age, sex, and race. The maprepresents the percent of County residents vaccinated by Zip Code or City. Data needed for theweb site are gathered, compiled, enriched, and published on a weekly basis.Since early December 2020, Public Health have coordinated with state, local and federalgovernments to allocate and administer COVID-19 vaccines to county residents. From the earlystages of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Public Health determined that they needed a system toaccurately monitor the progress of vaccine allocation. In early 2021, Public Health approachedthe Maricopa County Office of Enterprise Technology (OET) to develop, implement and managethe system.The information provided by the Public Vaccine Data web site helps Public Health ensure thatunderserved populations are receiving adequate resources for COVID-19 vaccines. The web siteis also shared with the public, media, and other governmental agencies to provide accurate andtimely information about the percentage of residents that have been vaccinated. This hasbenefitted Public Health by reducing the time and effort responding to public inquiries.