Libraries with Heart
2023 NACo Achievement Award Winner
San Bernardino County, Calif., CA
Best In Category

About the Program
Category: Health (Best in Category)
Year: 2023
As a champion of health equity, San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (SBCDPH) Nutrition and Wellness Services is interested in making self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring and nutrition/health education accessible to the public. SBCDPH Nutrition and Wellness Services is dedicated to reaching low-income families and individuals in San Bernardino County. The Libraries with Hearts Project was created in collaboration with the American Heart Association and the Ontario City Library in an effort to address the drivers of health disparities — including the barriers of access to quality healthcare. The Libraries with Heart Project strives to improve blood pressure control rates, nutrition and food security for individuals in San Bernardino County. The Libraries with Heart Project provides lifesaving efforts, such as education, blood pressure kits for check-out in libraries and bilingual health/nutrition education and links to community resources.