Juvenile Detention Alternative Program (MDJDA)

2014 NACo Achievement Award Winner

Miami-Dade County, Fla., FL

About the Program

Category: Children and Youth (Best in Category)

Year: 2014

Miami-Dade County has engaged in juvenile justice reform for the last fifteen years and documented a 72% reduction in juvenile arrests and a drop in the detention population from over 300 a day to around 100. Historically, there has been a lack of appropriate alternatives to secure detention for non-violent offenders. In 2008, 4,488 juveniles were detained for non-violent offenses. While in detention, these youth were exposed to more serious, sometimes violent offenders, which created possible dangerous circumstances for them and negative peer associations. The Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services Department (JSD) acted swiftly to respond to this ‘volatile situation’ as it is a moral obligation to find the least restrictive humane way to address youth exposed to trauma who are committing non-violent offenses as a “cry for help”. In 2009, JSD expanded its internationally recognized Juvenile Justice Model by piloting the Miami-Dade Juvenile Detention Alternative Program (MDJDA), an alternative to secure detention for non-violent offenders. The goal of the program is to utilize GPS monitoring systems for detainable non-violent offenders, while focusing on wrap around services within their communities. In April 2013, the protocol was extended to offer the service to eligible youth residing at the detention center while pending trial. To date, a total of 367 youth have participated in the Juvenile Detention Alternative Program, 92% of which have successfully completed the program, saving taxpayer dollars. It costs approximately $300 a day to keep a youth in detention as opposed to the $4 a day fee for the GPS system. The JSD continues its ongoing collaborative efforts with other Juvenile Justice Partners to provide services to all youth in Miami-Dade County that are involved in the Juvenile Justice System spectrum. The Juvenile Detention Alternative Program was developed and implemented to meet the needs of the client population.

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